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 CONTENTS      Volume 5, Number 1





 Susan M. DEMETROPOLIS                

 Multicultural and diversity awareness in higher education



 Ahmet Nazmi USTE   

 Transforming foreign policy: Women and soft power in multicultural world 



 Ata Taha


 Identity struggle within the grip of the “Other”: Israeli-Palestinian conflict



 Haktan BIRSEL

 Chaos theory: A new perspective in approaching complex actionability,

 culture,  civilization, and cultural diversity.

 Part II:    Disorder created by the Order Perception





 David PENDERY                     

 Carl Wilkens and Rwanda: Learning and growth





 Ravan HASANOV                      

 International scientific conference themed “Embracing diversity: 

 Tackling Islamophobia in 2024”


Click here to download the full Conference Proceedings.


   We are pleased to announce the release of the   International Conference Proceedings dedicated to the International Day to Combat Islamophobia-2023. The Center of Analysis of International Relations and the Baku International Multiculturalism Centre in partnership with the G20 Interfaith Dialogue Forum held the conference titled “Islamophobia as a Specific Form of Racism and Discrimination: New Global and Transnational Challenges” on 15-16 March 2023 in Baku, Azerbaijan.The conference intended to serve as a contribution to combating Islamophobia in all its forms and manifestations.


We look forward to the next conference!